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INTRODUCTION TO SOUND HEALING Tibetan & Crystal Singing Bowls A weekend in the vibrational universe of sounds & vibrations:

  • Date : 22/05/2020 17:00 - 24/05/2020 17:00
  • Emplacement Lisbonne, Portugal (Carte)
  • Plus d'Informations: STUDIO AGORA Rua Rafael de Andrade, n ° 23-2 (second floor), 1150-274 Lisboa https://agora-lisboa.com

Prix : 250



Tibetan & Crystal Singing Bowls

A weekend in the vibrational universe of sounds & vibrations:

-> the power of sound and vibrations: mechanical, physical and energetic principles of sound
-> Immerse yourself in a sound weekend (sound baths, gong baths, crystal ...)
-> Awaken your body listening and connect to your inner sensations, let yourself be touched by sound
-> Discover the mysterious universe of Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls: their history, their different types and components, how to choose them, how to play them, use them, which protocols? You can test and practice with different kinds of bowls.

This introduction is prepared in order to allow you to learn the basics of using sound therapy while experiencing its effects for yourself: to meditate, in relaxation or for therapeutic purposes on oneself and on others.

We invite you to get in touch with the world of sounds and vibrations, including your voice, to find out how you feel it, how you integrate it, how you interact with it and how you connect with it.
Allow your own sensitivity to sound to emerge, receive the representations it creates in your inner world and gradually weave your own awareness and understanding of its effects.
Learn to connect and follow your intuition.

We will be specifically interested in the therapeutic instruments that are singing bowls and crystal bowls, their qualities, their universe, their use.

This introduction is suitable for all those who are sensitive to sounds and vibrations, professional or not.
• All the curious and sensitive people who wish to broaden their knowledge on Tibetan and Crystal bowls and understand how they affect us, how to use them in a personal practice.
• Professionals (therapists, yoga teachers, medical community) wishing to work with the vibratory instruments in support to their practice of accompanying people.

Sound Healing is a real personal life journey, an awareness of oneself and the subtle world around us. The relative simplicity of the technique hides the complexity of the subtle and invisible dimensions which underlie all the processes of functioning of the physical body, thoughts, emotions, energy, life in general. All the work resides in the sensitive, fine & attentive listening of the resonances between the beings and the instrument.

PRICE: 250 € / person

The price includes:
- Theoretical and practical lessons on Sound Healing
- Theoretical and practical specific training on Tibetan bowls and Crystal bowls
- Sound Baths for vibrant evenings and mediations

• Firm reservation upon receipt of the deposit amount 100 € non refundable after April 1st

Mail: info@agora-lisboa.com

Language: French/ Portuguese (English, depending on the group of students)
Possibility to issue a level I certificate on request

DATES: from 22 to 24 May 2020
Reception and meeting with participants on Friday 20/05 at 5pm for a first sound bath and preparation for the weekend
Beginning of training on Saturday 23/05 from 10am.
End of training on Sunday 24/05 at 5 p.m.

WHERE: STUDIO AGORA, Rua Rafael de Andrade, n ° 23-2 (second floor), 1150-274 Lisboa